Thursday, September 8, 2016

Seniors, September 6th

We thought a lot about literary criticism and theory today. We began by thinking about perspective and how implicit biases shape out understanding of the world and interpretation of art objects.

Here's a couple links to the art we looked at from artist Bernard Pras:

His website
An article about his work

We worked with formalist, reader-response, didactic, mimetic, and expressive theories by practicing our criticism skills with a Mary Oliver poem and object analysis.

Next time we'll check out Pride and Prejudice and begin thinking about formalist features of a novel and how Austen uses them.

In support of our 7th period voting that our norms should be on a document viewable and accessible from home, here is a link to the Google Doc with our classroom norms: Click here for 7th period norms

In addition to being accessible online, a copy will be displayed in the room to remind us what principles guide us in our work.

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